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Tube Hunter Ultra downloads video and music from 667 YouTube and Xtube-like websites, and saves them on your computer or directly to your iPOD / PSP / Zune / Cell Phone. All downloaded videos(FLV) can be converted by TubeHunter Ultra directly to other popular video formats including AVI, MPEG4, DivX, XviD, iPOD Video, iPhone format, MPEG, WMV, RM, MOV, Sony PSP, Zune Video, 3GP, 3G2, SWF, M4A, MP3, MP4, WAV, OGG, AAC and AC3. TubeHunter Ultra does not have any spyware or adware.
برنامج رائع لتحميل الفيديو من مواقع اليوتيوب وغيرها الكثير سهل الاستعمال ويمكنه التحويل الى اغلب صيغ الفيديو والكثير من المميزات الاخرى
Download Flash Quran
(55MB) تحميل برنامج القرآن فلاش
* Rescanning pages of the Quran more precisely to include side information such as page and chapter numbering, as well as chapter names
* Ability to magnify an area of the page using the magnifying glass
* Ability to bookmark up to 8 pages from each book
* Option to select between different books (such as Quran with tajweed, interpretations, etc)
* Ability to control the pages' quality and hence downloading speed
تكبير حجم الصفحة لسهولة القراءة
اعادة نسخ صفحات المصحف بشكل مطابق أكثر حتى تظهر بيانات الصفحة كرقم الجزء ورقم الحزب واسم السورة إلخ
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امكانية تغيير خلفية الموقع لمراعاة شعور المتصفح أثناء القراءة
امكانية غلق المصحف
Download Here
Password : http://1001e-books.blogspot.com/
InstantMask Pro v2.31 | 8.31 MB
برنامج لقص الخلفية للصور وازالتها

InstantMask is a free, simple, easy to use, powerful tool for masking and removing the background from an image. The program allows you to remove the background for several movements and mouse clicks. You designate an object by one marker, and the background another marker, and the program does the rest.
برنامج سهل ومجاني وبيسط واداة فعالة لازالة اي خلفية لاي صورة بسرعة وبدون اي جهد

Adobe Photoshop CS4 11.0.1 Portable Edition | 60,0 Mb

Adobe Photoshop CS4 Extended software delivers all the features in Photoshop CS4, plus new features for working with 3D imagery, motion-based content, and advanced image analysis. If you work in film, video, multimedia, 3D, manufacturing, architecture, engineering, medicine, or science, Photoshop Extended is for you. Breakthrough 3D painting and compositing capabilities let you work with 3D models as easily and powerfully as with 2D images. Whether you're a professional photographer, a dentist, or just like to shoot photos for fun, there's a Photoshop product right for you.

1 comment:
Hi niice reading your post
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