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Sales of digital books superior to paper books

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Technology - Sales of digital books superior to paper books

Sales of digital books superior to paper books

Amazon announced Amazon U.S. retail e-Monday - through its website - said sales of digital books (e-books) exceeded for the first time ever, sales of paper books this month during the Christmas and sales reached (e-books) that are read from your Kindle to read digital text which is produced by Amazon to a record lows last Friday, which coincided with the celebration of Christmas. The Amazon Kindles The Kindle is becoming more selling gifts in the history of the company. He said a company statement on 14 December saw the current maximum rate of entry to the cite of the company to buy products were sold through the cite (9.5) million products around the world at 110 products per second. Amazon said it had sent products sold to 178 countries around the world and the hardware are the best-selling 8GB iPod touch from Apple Store and a select satellite Garmin Nuvi 260W GPS besides the company's Kindle.


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