ووردبريس الدليل الكامل WordPress Complete

كتاب يشرح بالتفصيل جميع النواحي المتعلقة بنظام التدوين المعروف WordPress ووردبريس بدءً من المبتدئين إلى أن يصل لمستوى الإحتراف.
أهم ما يميّز هذا الكتاب عن غيره أنه لا يطلب من القارئ أن يكون مبرمجاً، فيكفي أن تكون مستخدماً عادياً للحاسب و ملماً بأساسيات الويب، لتنطلق في رحاب التدوين الإحترافي، لكن هنالك فصل يتحدث عنه الكتاب و المتعلّق بكيفية إنشاء إضافات خاصة بوردبريس أعتقد أنه يتطلب معرفة مسبقة بلغة بي إتش بي PHP حتى و لو كانت بسيطة.
بشكل عام، الكتاب أكثر من رائع و يوفر مجموعة من الإجابات على العديد من التساؤلات التي قد تواجه مصممي و مستخدمي ووردبريس، و أنا أنصح به شخصياً.
asin Hayder graduated in Civil Engineering from the Rajshahi University of Engineering and Technology (RUET) in Bangladesh. He is a Zend-certified Engineer and expert in developing localized applications. He is currently working as a Technical Director in Trippert Labs and managing the local branch in Bangladesh. Beside his full time job, Hasin writes his blog at http://hasin.wordpress.com, writes article in different websites and maintains his open source framework Orchid at orchid.phpxperts.net. Hasin lives in Bangladesh with his wife Ayesha and his son, Afif.
April has been designing and developing new web sites from scratch since 1999, just before her graduation from Columbia University. Early in her career, she worked for several web companies and startups, including DoubleClick and About.com. Since 2004, she has been self-employed through her company Springthistle Design and has worked with a staggering variety of companies, non-profits, and individuals to realize their web site dreams. In her professional work, April's focus is always on usability, efficiency, flexibility, clean design, and client happiness. WordPress is the best solution for many of Springthistle's Clients, though April also develops custom web applications using PHP and MySQL.
In her free time, April enjoys developing recipes in the kitchen, bicycling, and relaxing with her daughter, dog, and darlin wife.
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