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Collection Tutorial Modeling & Animation for Maxon Cinema 4D

Collection Tutorial Modeling & Animation for Maxon Cinema 4D
Robert Leger | FLV | 1.98 GB

Robert Leger works EVEN.TV in COLOGNE. Video in which there is talk about animation and some other things related to modeling. And the main role of course played by post -processing that is pres ent.

1. Video on how at low cost to create goodies in blue - 0:18:24:19
2. Video postprocessing Example 1 - 0:16:04:04
3. Video using the expression a dispatcher INDEPENDANT for the effect ray - 0:20:44:08
4. Videos in this tutorial shows how the effect of the beam can be used with CLONER- OBJECTS MOGRAPH - 0:14:29:18
5. Video create random motion in the blue using the expression - 0:29:15:11
6. Video if you have a large project with duplicate objects and when the first thing that comes to duplicate everything, then the lesson for you - 0:13:21:08
7. Video, create a simple logo and post processing - 0:16:42:08
8. Video , VOXEL- effect is used to fill the polygon objects - 0:22:24:01
9. Video, create amusing animations - 0:47:45:02
10. Video, Robert , stage by stage passes and explains how to create animations Metallic colors - ZADIRA - 0:43:19:05
11. Video, continued 10 videos , animate materials SHADER and much more - 0:46:48:02
12. Video, additions and new features VOXEL- EFFECT - 0:17:13:01

dop.materialy :
3.primer use VOXEL-EFFECT
4. example of the use BeamEffect ( rays)
5. Animation METAL FLOWERS
6. example of the use WIGGLE TEASER ( by 5 videos)
7. example of 9 videos
8. flower_animation.c4d
9. project with animated flowers

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