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Americans sleep shapes and colors

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Americans sleep shapes and colors

Poll varying situations where the Americans to sleep depending on the type of race and color, it was found that blacks sleep fewer hours while enjoying those with assets in the Asian Ofer luck good sleep, and avoid the white sleep in their rooms individually. The poll "Sleep in America 2010" carried out by the National Sleep Foundation for Research in the United States and released its findings on Monday, the existence of differences in the circumstances and conditions of sleep when the citizens according to their origins. The results of the poll conducted by a specialized body in the United States, the prevalence of insomnia among whites more, pointing out that individuals who are descended from this race more recourse to medication to help sleep, which acted without a prescription. Besides showing that whites avoid sleeping alone, even if it is only on the participation of their pets where they sleep. The African-Americans were the least sleep, they find that there is no need for them to sleep longer, but they were more likely to suffer from insomnia at night due to financial concerns and career, according to the poll. Survey also highlighted the suffering of Hispanic Americans (Latin America), sleep disorders due to consider the concerns of financial and personal. On the other hand back Americans who are descended from Asian origin in the enjoyment of the more fortunate and less well Phnom suffering from insomnia, compared with Americans of other races, as well as they were the least reported on their sleep disorder, injury due to concerns about financial worries and functional.

Hatem Salah

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