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Mexico most dangerous country for journalists in early 2010

Mexico most dangerous country for journalists in early 2010

International Press Institute said in Vienna on Tuesday that Mexico is the most dangerous country for journalists in 2010, after the journalist was killed last week in clashes linked to drug smuggling, bringing to four the number of journalists killed since the beginning of the year in this country.

Found Evaristo Pacheco Solis (33 years), a journalist working in the magazine "fission Ainformaneva" shot dead in March 12 in Chilpancingo, the capital of Guerrero, where violence left 45 dead in three days.

And the transfer of the International Press Institute in its statement of the American Society of Journalists "I do not doubt that we live in one of the most tragic times in the history of journalism in Latin America," in reference to the death of Solis as well as the death of the journalist Nahum Palacios Arteaga Sunday in Honduras.

And the kidnapping of at least five journalists have lost 15 people since the beginning of the year in Mexico, according to local media and observers.

And Mexico in 2009 ranked second most dangerous country for journalists with 11 journalists killed, behind the Philippines, killing thirty journalists.

Hatem Salah


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